تفاصيل الوثيقة
نوع الوثيقة |
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مقال في مجلة دورية |
عنوان الوثيقة |
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The effect of socio-demographic factors on the oral health knowledge, attitude and behavior in a female population The effect of socio-demographic factors on the oral health knowledge, attitude and behavior in a female population |
لغة الوثيقة |
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الانجليزية |
المستخلص |
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the aim of this study was to examine the effect of socio-demorgraphic variables and smoking habits on oral health knowledge, attitude and begavior in a female population.materials and methods: five hundred twenty- eight mother responded to a self-administered questionnair.result: the result showed that 80.6% of the mothers believed that pregnacy had no effect on their tooth and gums, and more than one-third believed that they lost a tooth for every pregenancy. working women of older age group and higher education as well as larger parity and gravidity, indicated the latter attitude more frequently.About 72% of the women believed the pregenancy removed calcium from their teeth and this way a common belief among saudi women with higher socio-economic status.two-third of the respondents were aware that during pregnancy, their oral health aould affect the fetal health and growth, but more than half did not know that tetracycline could affect their baby`s teeth particulary among women with low education. in addition,more than half believed that dental visit was needed only when in pain, while 17.3% considered such visit not a necessity particularly those with low education but high parity andd gravidity.Relative to mothers` behavior,65.6% of the respondents took calcium and milk and 65.8% did not change their oral hygiene habits during pregnancy.COnclusion: most of the women believed that there were"negative effects" of pregnancy on their oral health but nevertheless did not demonstrate adequate and proper concomitant oral hygiene practice and positive attitudes toward dental visit. |
ردمد |
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0 |
اسم الدورية |
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المجلة السعودية لطب الأسنان |
المجلد |
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19 |
العدد |
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1 |
سنة النشر |
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2007 هـ
2007 م |
نوع المقالة |
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مقالة علمية |
تاريخ الاضافة على الموقع |
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008 |
صافية العطاس | Al-attas, Safia | باحث رئيسي | دكتوراه | salattass@kau.edu.sa |
الرجوع إلى صفحة الأبحاث